Other State Taxes
Tax withholding outside of Virginia
Federal and State Withholdings - Citizens and US Tax Residents
Employees should complete Form W-4 (Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate) online using Hokie Spa. The Virginia state income tax withholding form VA-4 can also be completed online using Hokie Spa. Employees working from other states may complete a withholding form for one of the states listed below. Once completed you can send it via our secure Payroll drop box. If your state or locality is not currently listed please contact the payroll office for further instructions.
If no form or systems update is received, Payroll, following IRS guidelines, must withhold taxes at the default rate of single with zero exemptions (the highest withholding rate for federal taxes) and the highest single rate for the applicable state tax. Employees should select the State tax form for the state where they will be physically working the majority of their time (i.e. greater than 50% of the work hours).
Changes to Federal and Virginia Tax Withholding for US Citizens and Us Tax Residents can be done via HokieSpa
Exempt status expires each year. Therefore, employees must complete new tax forms each calendar year to claim exempt status at the federal and state levels. These renewal forms should be submitted through the Payroll Drop Box.
If an employee fails to renew their withholding exemption, Virginia Tech will begin withholding income taxes during the next pay period at the default maximum withholding amount, which is single with zero exemptions. No refunds will be given by the Payroll Department due to an employee’s failure to update tax documents in a timely manner.
Tax Forms
North Carolina Tax Withholding
Other State Employee Notices
Maryland Earned Income Tax Credit: https://dhs.maryland.gov/weathering-tough-times/earned-income-tax-credit/
Federal and State Withholdings – Non-US Tax Residents
Foreign National Employees are considered non-residents for tax purposes unless they meet either the green card test or the substantial presence test for the calendar year January 1-December 31. Employees can have both statuses in the same year depending on when they arrive in or exit from the U.S.
Foreign Nationals in a non-resident tax status should contact the Payroll Office for Non-Resident Alien (NRA) specific tax forms. NRAs may be eligible to claim tax treaty benefits. The Payroll Office will assist employees in determining tax residency status and tax treaty eligibility.