TimeClock Plus FAQ: Problems clocking in
FAQ: Problems clocking in
- Open the Employee -> Employee Profiles screen and click on the employee's name
- Click on the Jobs tab
- Verify that the applicable job code has a check mark under Clockable
- If it does not, verify that the Banner Start Date is not in the future (either on PWIEMPV or your PAF if it has not yet been approved)
- If the job code should be clockable, click on the pencil in the edit column to the left of the job code
- Check the box "Clockable" and click Save
- Click the Save button on the main screen
- First, should the employee be clocking in/out or entering hours using the TSE method?
- If they should be clocking in, advise them to use the Clock In button, not the Manage Timesheet button.
- If they should be using TSE, it needs to be enabled on the job code:
- Open the Employee->Employee Profiles screen and click on the employee's name
- Click on the Jobs tab
- Click on the pencil under the edit column to the left of the applicable job code
- Check the box under Settings that says "Allow time sheet entry" and click Save
- Click the Save button on the main screen
- Using cost codes needs to be fully set up by Payroll
- Send an email to timeclock@vt.edu providing the employee ID, job code, and org number
- Indicate that the employee should or should not have cost codes enabled