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TimeClock Plus FAQ: Problems clocking in

FAQ: Problems clocking in

  • Open the Employee -> Employee Profiles screen and click on the employee's name
  • Click on the Jobs tab
  • Verify that the applicable job code has a check mark under Clockable
  • If it does not, verify that the Banner Start Date is not in the future (either on PWIEMPV or your PAF if it has not yet been approved)
  • If the job code should be clockable, click on the pencil in the edit column to the left of the job code
  • Check the box "Clockable" and click Save
  • Click the Save button on the main screen
  • First, should the employee be clocking in/out or entering hours using the TSE method?
  • If they should be clocking in, advise them to use the Clock In button, not the Manage Timesheet button.
  • If they should be using TSE, it needs to be enabled on the job code:
  1. Open the Employee->Employee Profiles screen and click on the employee's name
  2. Click on the Jobs tab
  3. Click on the pencil under the edit column to the left of the applicable job code
  4. Check the box under Settings that says "Allow time sheet entry" and click Save
  5. Click the Save button on the main screen
  • Using cost codes needs to be fully set up by Payroll
  • Send an email to providing the employee ID, job code, and org number
  • Indicate that the employee should or should not have cost codes enabled